Iraq to Evacuate Citizens from Wuhan, China

Last Update: 2020-01-30 00:00:00- Source: Iraq News

By John Lee.

Following the spread of coronavirus in China, the Iraqi government has provided a special Iraqi Airways airplane with medical staff to evacuate students and the community residing in Wuhan, China, to Baghdad.

Foreign Minister Alhakim has directed the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to China to form an operations room headed by the Ambassador, and the membership of the cultural attaché which started its duties immediately after its formation, to keep count of the numbers of the Iraqi community in Wuhan, and prepared a note to the office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the city where the Iraqi students reside to allow them to leave the city, and the embassy opened hotlines available throughout the day for the Iraqi community, as well as internet groups to ensure direct communication.

(Source: Iraqi Foreign Ministry)