Fox’s Donna, Geraldo, and Whitewashing Wan…er Juan

Last Update: 2019-07-26 00:00:00- Source: Iraq News

Donna Brazile, Fox news, 2018. Photo: Screengrab/Fox News

Gerald A. Honigman | Exclusive to

Channel hopping, I usually can’t help but settle on Fox News for such programming…and at times I have problems with that choice too. So I turn to the wildlife or fishing channels instead.

Fox’s recent hiring of folks like the unscrupulous Democrat honcho (honcha?), Donna Brazile, is a case in point. She and her cohort in crime, south Florida Congressional Democrat Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, would stop at nothing to get their guy or gal elected: in Brazile’s case, feeding at least one question to Hillary Clinton in a major debate. And that’s just what she got caught doing. So, CNN axes her–and then Fox hires her.

No other Lefties in town to choose from for “fair and balanced” reporting?

While there’s been some other problems, it’s the next one that painfully lingers, causing repeated bouts of severe indigestion…

I don’t know what Fox is paying Brazile for her irreplaceable wisdom, but I do know that, when a current co-host of The Five and frequent participant on some other programs as well, Juan Williams, was hired, he came aboard with a three year, $2 million contract in 2010. I’m sure that has increased substantially since then.

Not only does he continue to be hard to stomach nowadays for anyone with neurons firing properly, but I can’t help remembering a particular day, years ago, when I was driving home from work and listening to National Public Radio.

On February 1, 2007, I had tuned in for the sake of hearing NPR’s latest biased reports against Jews and/or the Jew of the Nations–aka Israel. I like to keep on top of these things, and as frequently happens, I was not disappointed.

But, talk about irony ! Williams would later get canned from NPR because he admitted on Fox News to nervousness when boarding a plane and seeing folks who first and foremost identify themselves as Muslims… Hey, just because too many of such folks are frequently blowing others apart somewhere, and still others approve and/or plot to do likewise, what a stretch, heh ?

Anyway, around the time or within recent memory of when Hamas was incinerating, decapitating, disemboweling, and so forth Jewish teens in pizza parlors and nightclubs, grandparents and grandkids in ice cream shops, families at weddings, Passover Seders, in restaurants, shopping malls, or shooting pregnant women at point blank range in their cars, along with their other kids strapped in children car seats, and other acts of Arab heroism, Whitewashing Juan decided to do a NPR program about the “humanitarian” side of Hamas–the proud perpetrators of those previously mentioned acts. You know, the Arabs’ version of Hadassah… I almost had an accident driving that day.

Several years later, I encountered him spewing additional wisdom (just think about what I missed in between). The occasion involved–then Senator, later (ironically) President Obama’s future VP, and now Democrat contender in the battle to see who takes on President Trump in 2020–Joseph Biden. The latter’s well-intentioned, but condescending and ignorant, remarks about Senator Barack Obama, the young black Democrat who was one of his competitors for his party’s nomination, would seal Biden’s fate regarding that contest.

Williams at the time was a senior NPR and Fox News political reporter. He was being interviewed on NPR and brought up other examples of articulate and “clean” black political figures whom Biden had ignored when he sang earlier, backfiring praises to the man who, among other things, the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farakhan referred to as “the messiah”… none other than Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s virtual nephew, Barack Hussein Obama.

I waited patiently. I mean, if you’re going to have a program dedicated to Biden’s stupid remarks and unspoken potential prejudice, and then bring up the Dynamic Duo–Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton–as alleged examples of other good black politicos, then they ought to be just that…good examples.

At no time during Whitewashing Juan’s comments about Jackson or Sharpton did Jesse’s “Hymietown” and many other disturbing remarks about Jews and Israel grace the airwaves. Nor did his shakedown tactics for his “fundraising” and such. No doubt, much of the gelt Jesse has raised has come from “Progressive” Lefty Jew idiots. Some Jews–some would say far too many–just love to show Christians and everyone else how best to really “turn the other cheek.”

Sickeningly suicidal…Anyway, as for Reverend Al, a more blatant anti-Semite would be hard to find. Yet this too was ignored by a Williams who was so troubled by Biden. By the way, just recently, other such Hebrews invited this Jew-hating man of cloth to give a presentation at a major event of the nation’s largest Jewish denomination.

As just one of many examples of Sharpton’s deadly anti-Semitic prejudice (whatever Senator Joe’s sins may be, they don’t include promoting murderous violence), in 1991 a Hasidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section accidentally killed a 7-year-old black kid. A tragedy, no doubt.

Unfortunately, children get hit by cars everyday. On this occasion, however, ugly anti-Semitic riots erupted.

Reverend Al (whose religious services Fox’s Geraldo Rivera–whose own new book attacks Israel like His Holiness does–says he likes to attend) raced to the scene to pour fuel on the fire.

At seven year-old Gavin Cato’s funeral, Sharpton inflamed the crowd against “diamond merchants” –i.e., Jews–with “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands.

Yes, it was a good, old-fashioned, murderous blood libel against Jews…but this time it was instigated by a major leader of a people who should certainly know better. And led by one of Fox’s Whitewashing Juan’s preferred black role models,

Sharpton next mobilized hundreds to march through the Hasidic neighborhood chanting, “no justice, no peace.” A rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, was subsequently surrounded by a mob and stabbed to death while Sharpton’s mob shouted, “kill the Jews!”

What I’d really like to know is how Sharpton, who was later awarded with his own television show (but not, thank goodness, on Fox), managed to avoid getting charged with something like aiding and abetting, or being an accessory to, murder.

The next Presidential and other elections will be here before we know it. We should all carefully scrutinize the integrity not only of the candidates, but those giving commentary as well.

To be fair to its viewers, and remain better than its competition, Fox News needs to make sure that it has present, on the same programs of the various Whitewashing Juans, folks who will nail them hard when they spew their detritus.

Gerald A. Honigman is a Florida educator who has done extensive doctoral studies in Middle Eastern Affairs. He has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated many Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in dozens of newspapers, magazines, academic journals and websites all around the world. You can visit his website at Gerald A. Honigman is a longtime senior contributing writer, from 2007, and columnist for Honigman has published a major book, “The Quest For Justice In The Middle East–The Arab-Israeli Conflict In Greater Perspective.” For more see below.

The opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of or its editors.

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