Iraqi PM pledges to modernize and empower armed forces on Army's 103rd anniversary

Last Update: 2024-01-06 09:15:05- Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, on Saturday pledged to bolster the Iraqi army's capabilities in a bid to ensure a place among the world's top.

Prime Minister al-Sudani's came on the 103rd anniversary of the Musa al-Kadhim regiment, a state-sanctioned military unit that was the core of the Iraqi armed forces.

Addressing the nation in a statement, al-Sudani hailed the legacy of the Iraqi Army, forged in "great epics of sacrifice" and in the defense of Iraqi soil against aggression. He acknowledged the enduring impact of these sacrifices, stating, "Without them, Iraq would not be enjoying the stability, security, and peace it does today."

Al-Sudani emphasized the government's commitment to further strengthening the military. "Those sacrifices drive us forward, solidify our commitment to democracy, and fuel our determination to build a free and noble Iraq where all citizens live equally," he declared.

The Prime Minister pledged unwavering support for the Army, stating, "We vow to be your defenders, protectors of your rights, and partners in ensuring you stand at the forefront of the world's most prepared and combat-ready forces."