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The Rise of Donald Trump in the White House and the UN’s decline in Global Affairs!

The Rise of Donald Trump in the White House and the UNs decline in Global Affairs
The Rise of Donald Trump in the White House and the UN’s decline in Global Affairs!

2019-09-17 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

U.S. President Donald Trump addressing the General Debate of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York, on September 25, 2018. Photo: Reuters

Omar Sindi | Exclusive to

During the election period when Donald Trump was seeking to win the Republican party nomination for the presidency of the United States, he was criticizing the United Nations (UN) role in Global Affairs, and different countries that were taking advantage of the United States.

He was touting about the importance of American sovereignty and patriotism, and indicating he would reverse many foreign policies concerning the US’s role in the UN body – Trump declared that the US would withdraw all participation in the 2015 Paris “Agreement on climate change mitigation”. Late President Ronald Reagan during his election period in the 1980’s, also criticsized the UN’s role, but when Mr. Reagan became the US president, he reversed his course and actually supported many UN roles in world affairs.

The survivability of the UN’s role in global affairs is very important; the US must and should support the UN’s roles in world, otherwise the UN would be weakened in world affairs, it would create more chaos, minorities throughout the world would be in danger, more gross human rights violations would occur, more wars will happen among different nations… Dictators, totalitarian regimes, and authoritarian regimes don’t like the UN because their rule would be in jeopardy in the face of a strong UN.

In recent years, the UN has become ineffective like the League of Nations (LN) in the 1930’s. However, after World War I, in the early years of the LN in the 1920’s, LN was able to resolve many global conflicts among different nations, because it had the support of major powers (United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan were permanent of the Executive Council), such as the conflict between Sweden and Finland over the Aland Islands, border conflict between Albania, Italy, Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia… (Yugoslavia).

The German industrial complex thought helping Adolf Hitler would prosper their industries, but in the end, Hitler destroyed Germany… In these recent years, the world is observing more authoritarian regimes, more totalitarian regimes, and they are becoming less of an anomaly, whether it’s internal conflict against political opposition; or as President Erdogan of Turkey who invaded part of Syria, including the Kurdish Autonomous region that Kurds call Rojava Kurdistan, and is threatening to invade other parts of Rojava Kurdistan because he expects no international backlash.

In Afrin there is ongoing gross human rights abuse, such as kidnappings, rapings, confiscation of peoples property, ethnic cleansings… by the nihilism of the Islamic jihadist terrorist organizations with the support of Turkish troops, and the world’s communities are mostly silent, especially major powers. Afrin and its surrounding areas were very stable and were a peaceful area before the Turkish invasion, even the Turkish military general said, no bullet came from Afrin into the Turkish side!

The Hindu nationalist government in India is abrogating the autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir, it’s an ongoing conflict, because the Prime Minister Narendra Modi fears no retribution of the world community at large for his reckless behavior, or international backlash. He probably expects no collective punishment from the current UN status for this abusive of power of behaviors.

The United States and other democratic states should support the UN’s effort to promote democracy, freedom, and free fair elections throughout the world, if they did, the world would be a much better place for everybody. They should not allow totalitarian regimes to take a more leading role like the Chinese government at the UN, because the Chinese don’t care about democracy, freedom or human rights violations, because China has a big internal issue on this subject matter.

Most if not all dictatorial regimes are corrupt politically and economically. For example, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, he has been president for many years and his wife is his vice president of Nicaragua. Venezuela before Hugo Chavez took power, had a prosperous economy and a stable democratic system of governing and thinking and dreaming, then under Socialist party role of making utopian society from Cheves to Nicholas Maduro, Venezuela has become a dystopian society, where many intellectuals, acadamains have left Venezuela because people cannot make ends meet, in other words, the economy is on the brink…

The World of today cannot go back to medieval period where the European tribalism system of governments were at each other’s throats over the domination of the European Continent, while at the same time, where different Russian Czars and different Ottoman Sultans were in constant wars where famine and starvation were prevalent throughout both belligerent nations. Although, it is understandable that there is no perfect system of governing in the world of today or will there ever be one! But it is very obvious, that the population of those countries that practice democracy and free fair elections, are more prosperous economically, and are more free politically and otherwise… countries run by authoritarian regimes are the root cause of these mass migrations of people towards democratic states, because these people are seeking a better quality of life.

During the breakup of former Yugoslavia in the 1990’s, Slobodan Milosevic and his abettors committed heneios crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, they were apprehended by international forces supported by the United States and tried at the International Court at the Hague.

If the breakup of Yugoslavia was today, most likely Slobodan and his abettors wouldn’t have paid any international price for the atrocities and crimes they committed because international consensus today aren’t as prudent as in the 1990’s. Syria: Bashar Assad and his abettors have committed heinous crimes as just like Slobodan and his abettors, but Bashar is still there because there is no international consensus on this subject matter and President Erdogan of Turkey is walking all over international norms without any political price to pay. World War I & II started in the continent of Europe, and the root causes were, including but not limited to: nationalism; deeply polarized political systems, territorial disputes and ambitious feelings among the bigger nation states, and autocratic governments…

Today, due to the magnitude of instability in the Middle East, all signs say it’s headed toward a bigger war. If a comprehensive political solution is not found, which is unlikely anytime soon; particularly “imperial ambitions” rivalry between Iran’s – “Shia crescent” and Turkey, a new Ottomanism Empire of Sunni, will both dominate the region.

Which will undoubtedly drag bigger players into the fray as is happening in Syria, that is due to lack of democratic systems, growth of religious extremism influence, imbalance in political systems, political suppression, and also, the Middle Eastern economy is run by political elites, which is to say, the economic system is corrupt. The Middle Eastern economy cannot grow to keep pace with the population growth. The beginning of the civil war in Syria, even though it was a problem of political suppression, it was mainly economic stagnation which dragged people onto the streets…

In the 1930’s, the time that the League of Nations became ineffective was the time when many members of major power walked away from it. Italy left, Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, Imperial Japan left, and invaded China, Turkey annexed the Republic of Hatay with the approval of the French government…

The United States and other democratic states should support enhancing the UN’s role in the stability of global affairs. It will benefit the United States, raise its influence in the long term in World affairs, politically and economically…

Omar Sindi, a senior writer, analyst and columnist for, Washington, United States.

The opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of or its editors.

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