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Annual art carnival in Al-Sulaymaniyah celebrates Kurdish talent and culture

Annual art carnival in Al-Sulaymaniyah celebrates Kurdish talent and culture
Annual art carnival in Al-Sulaymaniyah celebrates Kurdish talent and culture

2024-09-08 21:00:30 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Sunday, the Shanbay Khak organization held its annual art carnival at thepublic park in Al-Sulaymaniyah, drawing a large crowd from diverse socialgroups.

The event,now a yearly tradition, featured artistic contributions from various Kurdishcities, including Al-Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, Duhok, and Kirkuk.

The carnivalincluded various artistic activities, such as musical performances and poetryrecitals in different Kurdish dialects, as well as a visual art exhibitionfeaturing works by numerous artists from the organization, displaying piecesthat spanned styles from realism to abstract.

In anexclusive statement to Shafaq News, Karbin Salam, the organization's head, saidthe carnival aims to "bring together artistic talents across Kurdistan andprovide a platform for young artists to express their creativity in an open,public setting."

Salam addedthat the carnival fosters cultural connections between Kurdish cities, offeringartists a chance to showcase their work and engage with the public,highlighting the participation of young artists, who exhibited their workalongside more experienced artists, "creating opportunities forinteraction and knowledge exchange."

"ShanbayKhak is committed to supporting arts and culture in society by organizingsimilar events in the future, with plans to expand participation to artistsfrom outside the region, enriching the artistic landscape in Kurdistan." Heconcluded.