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Rudaw Wins Three International W3 Awards in 2024

Rudaw Wins Three International W3 Awards in 2024
Rudaw Wins Three International W3 Awards in 2024

2024-10-03 20:39:23 - From: Kurdistan News

Rudaw Media Network announced on its website that it has achieved a new milestone in 2024, winning three prestigious W3 Silver Awards in the United States. The network's renowned program With Ranj earned two awards, while the powerful documentary A Year of War secured an additional accolade.

Rudaw highlighted that the W3 Awards, established in 2006, are presented annually by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) in New York, recognizing excellence in various categories such as websites, video production, marketing, and digital innovation.

The network also pointed out that this year’s winners included global industry leaders such as Radio Canada, Netflix, Yahoo, and Bank of America, underscoring the significance of Rudaw's achievement in the international arena.

In response to the award, Lauren Angeloni, managing director of AIVA, expressed her admiration, stating, "Rudaw’s success marks a remarkable achievement, and we are proud to recognize them among the leaders of digital innovation.”

Rudaw’s public relations director, Ali Jaff, emphasized the network's dedication to truth and impactful storytelling: "Programs like With Ranj and documentaries like A Year of War embody Rudaw’s commitment to conveying authentic narratives and amplifying voices.”

The award-winning documentary A Year of War, filmed in 2023 by correspondent Dilnya Rahman and cameraman Ahmed Omar, captures life in Ukraine’s war-torn cities, offering a raw portrayal of wartime realities. Meanwhile, With Ranj, hosted by Ranj Sangawi, documented a historic journey to Nugra Salman, shedding light on the atrocities of the Anfal campaign.