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Al-Sudani: pain and suffering take time to heal, as the Iraqi people know only too well

Al-Sudani: pain and suffering take time to heal, as the Iraqi people know only too well
Al-Sudani: pain and suffering take time to heal, as the Iraqi people know only too well

2023-11-04 20:00:06 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani on Saturday said the Israel-Hamas war has rekindled memories of his country’s own violent past and how it is trying to rebuild.

Prime Minister al-Sudani's remarks came in a op-ed he wrote for the Guardian on the first anniversary of his appointment after a turbulent period that followed the infamous October 10 election.

"Few countries have endured the suffering and conflict that Iraq has experienced over the past 50 years. The tragic events in Gaza bring back painful memories for the Iraqi people. Red lines have been crossed, with civilians enduring unimaginable suffering, and as a result there is an urgent need for critical humanitarian assistance."

" Here in Iraq, we stand in strong solidarity with the Palestinian people, and our country has committed to providing substantial aid, all the while working with our international partners to bring a swift end to this tragedy."

" We reiterated at the Cairo peace summit, along with our international partners, that the destruction by the occupation’s forces must cease. It is of utmost importance that the region does not regress into instability and conflict once again. In this way, Iraq hopes the region can move forward and address common challenges through effective cooperation."

"Pain and suffering take time to heal, as Iraq knows all too well. Our country has worked hard to establish stability, and we find ourselves in a far more harmonious situation than at any other time in the last three generations, made possible by a dynamic and growing economy and a genuine desire for renewal and development. Maintaining this momentum is a top priority for my administration."

" Over the past year, my government has paved the way to meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people and support their basic needs. We have passed a historic budget of $153bn (£126bn), focused on modernising our infrastructure, creating employment opportunities, and enhancing our social and economic growth by harnessing the enormous potential of our youth, who make up 60% of Iraq’s population."

"My government has focused on creating jobs, rebuilding infrastructure, attracting foreign investment and fostering the private sector. To my mind, these are the vital foundations to secure sustainable prosperity for future generations. This also involves addressing important issues that have long been neglected, particularly in education and healthcare."

"Since I became prime minister just over a year ago, my government has taken significant steps to re-establish Iraq’s reputation on the world stage. We have reaffirmed Iraq’s crucial role in working to protect political and economic security in the region through cooperation with our international partners."

"We continue our fight against Islamic State terrorism, which threatened the region not long ago, and now only exists in small pockets in Iraq. Thanks to our well-trained special forces, we have uncovered a series of planned attacks by IS in Europe, including the UK. By continuing to work with our global security partners, we will ensure that we end this threat domestically and internationally."

"Corruption remains a major challenge, and the greatest threat to Iraq’s future development. As part of our anti-corruption campaign, we have asked Interpol to arrest and extradite former high-ranking Iraqi officials who embezzled more than $2.5bn of tax funds."

"We have already recovered a significant amount of the stolen funds, and we will bring those responsible to justice. This requires continuous collaboration with partners like the UK. Earlier this year, I met the UK security minister, Tom Tugendhat, to discuss joint efforts to tackle serious and organised crime, including drug trafficking and terrorism."

"Our new international partnerships go beyond defence and security, and Iraq has become a place for international companies, to invest and work, especially in the energy sector."

"Overall, enhanced regional cooperation is bringing major investment deals signed during the past year, the first year of my administration, demonstrating growing international confidence in Iraq’s economy."

"Through these partnerships and by investing in our untapped potential, we will affirm our pivotal role in the region, serving as a gateway to Asia and Europe. And in this new role, Iraq will be able to assist with wider regional prosperity, based on our own experience of adversity, particularly at a time of anguish and suffering for many."

"Iraq is on a positive trajectory, one that others thought was not possible a few years ago, but there remains much more to be done, and we are committed to ensuring that this continues for all Iraqis."

(By Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani for the Guardian)