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Iran (Islamic Republic of): Head of ICRC Mission in Iran Visits Projects Running Jointly with IRCS

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Head of ICRC Mission in Iran Visits Projects Running Jointly with IRCS
Iran (Islamic Republic of): Head of ICRC Mission in Iran Visits Projects Running Jointly with IRCS

2019-07-23 00:00:00 - From: Relief Web

MASHHAD, 22 July 2019 (IRCS) – Reto Adrian Stocker, Head of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) mission in Iran, visited the projects in Iran’s eastern province of Khorasan Razavi which are jointly being implemented by the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) and ICRC.

According to a five-year Partnership Framework Agreement which was signed in 2012, IRCS and ICRC are working with a local NGO in a tripartite project to provide primary health and physical rehabilitation services, Restoring Family Links (RFL) as well as hygiene and First Aid education to vulnerable populations in the suburbs of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province.

The two partners are also conducting a mine risk training project in six provinces of Iran’s Khorasan Razavi, Ilam, Kordestan, Khuzestan, West Azarbaijan and Kermanshah.

The ICRC mission head in Iran also met with Seyed Mojtaba Ahmadi, managing director of the Khorasan Razavi provincial Red Crescent branch.

Mr, Stocker described the mutual projects between Iranian Red Crescent and International Committee of the Red Cross with the participation of a non-governmental center for Afghan citizens residing in Iran as a sample of proper use of resources. He also said that the mine risk training project in the Dogharoon – Tybad border was an effective plan.

In recent days, more than 3 million and 200,000 Afghan migrants have received training services provided to them in the mine risk training center in Tybad, Khorasan Razavi Province.

Nearly six percent of the population of Khorasan Razavi Province are migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.