National State Fources and Nabni share governor and council chair positions in Thi Qar

Last Update: 2024-01-27 19:30:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / A source in Thi Qar governorate revealed on Saturday the details of the political movement regarding the formation of the new local government.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that "the members of the Thi Qar Provincial Council will take the legal oath before the head of the Federal Appeals Court of Thi Qar next Thursday, with the session scheduled for 1:00 PM on the same day."

The source explained that "the government lineup has been divided between two coalitions, with the position of governor allocated from the Alliance of National State Fources led by Ammar al-Hakim and Haider al-Abadi, specifically the National Wisdom Movement, while the presidency of the provincial council will be from the Nabni Alliance."

The source confirmed that "local formations in the governorates will be settled later today with the meeting of the Coordination Framework blocs."

Earlier on Saturday, a member of the new Diyala Provincial Council, Nizar Hamed al-Lahibi, revealed that the Takaddom Alliance has reached a preliminary agreement to hold the first session of the new provincial council in the coming days with the consensus of all winning factions, expecting it to convene by the end of the current week.

Al-Lahibi affirmed "the existence of a preliminary agreement to grant the presidency of the provincial council to the Takaddom Alliance, led by Mohammed al-Halbousi and representing the Sunni community, while the position of governor will be for the Shiite component," noting that "changes are possible."

On Monday, January 22, the Supreme Judicial Council instructed the heads of appellate courts to receive the winners of the local elections to take the legal oath.

Furthermore, the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) announced on Sunday, January 21, its approval of the results of the provincial councils' elections, which took place in Iraq on December 18, 2023.