President Barzani commends Kurdish writers' contributions to identity preservation

Last Update: 2024-02-10 22:30:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Region’s Presidency stated, on Saturday, that President Nechirvan Barzani congratulated the Kurdish Writers Union on the occasion of its founding anniversary.

President Barzani admired their significant role in enriching the Kurdish language and literature, emphasizing their invaluable contributions to preserving Kurdish national and cultural identity.

He highlighted their unwavering dedication to raising awareness and fostering a civil society characterized by coexistence, acceptance of others, and tolerance.

The President paid tribute to the legacy of esteemed Kurdish writers, acknowledging their enduring impact and timeless contributions to Kurdish heritage.

His remarks shed light on the profound respect and appreciation for the enduring legacy of Kurdish literature and the influential role of writers in shaping Kurdish identity and society.