Turkey builds new military road on the borders of KRG

Last Update: 2024-02-11 13:30:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Turkey’s construction vehicles are currently involved in building a new military road from the Turkey town of Uludere to the village of Kista, in the Kani Masi district of northern Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, on Sunday.

The local community in the village confirmed to Shafaq News Agency that they saw “the Turkey’s construction vehicles setting up facilities for rock cutting and road construction in their village.”

An informed source indicated that Turkey's objective in building this road is “to streamline the movement of military and logistical supplies to its bases in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.”

Additionally, the source clarified, “Turkey has set up many bases and roads in the region, even though the land is rough with high mountains and low valleys.”

For years, the Turkey army and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) have fought in the border areas of the Kurdistan Region. This has caused Turkey to bomb the area from time to time, threatening about 40 villages in the district with displacement.

It's worth noting that the Turkey army has established several military bases at strategic points in the Mateen mountain range, citing the expulsion of PKK as justification.