Hundreds of Peshmerga fighters volunteer to clean up flood debris in Duhok

Last Update: 2024-03-22 17:30:04 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Hundreds of Peshmerga fighters volunteered to clean up debris in Dohuk on Friday, after heavy rains caused flooding and mudslides in the city.

The soldiers, along with municipality workers, used 50 vehicles to clear the debris from roads and houses. The city was divided into eight sections to facilitate the cleanup effort.

"There is a plan to completely clean up these areas of debris," said Duhok Mayor.

The flooding, which occurred on Tuesday, killed three people and displaced dozens of families.

The Peshmerga are the armed forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. They have been involved in a number of humanitarian efforts in recent years, including providing aid to refugees and displaced people.