Al-Sulaymaniyah University opens first Chinese research center and library in Iraq's Kurdistan

Last Update: 2024-05-19 19:00:04 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Al-Sulaymaniyah University in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq inaugurated a new Chinese research center and library on Sunday. The center is the first of its kind in the region and aims to promote academic exchange and cultural understanding between China and the Kurdistan Region.

The library houses a collection of books in Chinese, English, and Kurdish, covering a variety of topics including Chinese history, art, culture, traditional medicine, and music.

Digital archives are also available, containing information on Chinese politics, economics, culture, science, technology, education, and history.

"The new library offers a wide range of resources on China," said Dr. Sarwar Muhammad, Director of the Chinese Center at al-Sulaymaniyah University. "This initiative is part of ongoing efforts to expand cultural and scientific exchange between the Kurdistan Region and China."

The center and library will be open to students, including international students, for research purposes.