Kurdish Minister expresses optimism over salary crisis resolution following closer ties with Baghdad

Last Update: 2024-06-10 00:00:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / Kurdish Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Aram Mohammed expressed optimism on Sunday regarding resolving the salary crisis for the Region's employees following the recent rapprochement between Erbil and Baghdad.

He highlighted that this improvement in relations could resolve numerous issues in the education sector.

Speaking to Shafaq News Agency, Mohammed stated, "We hope that the salary situation will improve next year and that we will hear good news, especially after the current rapprochement between the governments of Erbil and Baghdad, which will help solve this problem and others."

He acknowledged the significant role played by the scientific and administrative staff in the Ministry of Higher Education and in universities and institutes in mitigating the financial crisis's impact on the educational process.

Regarding the appointment of top graduates in universities and colleges, the minister emphasized the need for these graduates due to the retirement of many faculty members. "Given that many professors will reach the end of their legal service terms and retire, creating vacancies, we expect that with the stabilization of relations with Baghdad, this issue will be resolved, providing us with job opportunities for top graduates," Mohammed explained.

Addressing the issue of student housing, he pointed out that the design of student dormitories dates back over 20 years, and the current capacity of universities has significantly increased.

"There are hundreds of students from Kirkuk, Khanaqin, and other areas outside the Region residing in dormitories. Despite the financial crisis's impacts, we have managed to alleviate part of this issue by renting houses to accommodate some of the dormitory students," Mohammed added.