Iraq: Iraq: Humanitarian Dashboard (January to July 2019)

Last Update: 2019-09-09 00:00:00- Source: Relief Web

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Iraq


Since the beginning of 2019, 103 humanitarian partners, including 40 national NGOs, have reached 1,289,000 people with humanitarian assistance. This represents 73 per cent of people targeted for assistance in the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). Partners responded in 1,124 locations, an 11 per cent increase from the previous reporting period. This includes 78,000 more returnees and 44,000 more IDPs in out-of-camp locations.

Humanitarian response in Iraq has received US$413 million, including $291 million towards the HRP. Although the HRP has received just 41 per cent of required funding for 2019, this represents an almost 40 per cent increase in reported HRP funding from the previous month, allowing partners to reach a greater number of people in more locations.

WASH partners reached an additional 226,000 people, which the cluster attributes to a 60 per cent increase in funding, allowing partners to reach 104 per cent more people including returnees in 15 new locations and a greater number of people in previously serviced locations. Food Security partners reached 217 per cent more people, including nearly 700,000 more people in inter-cluster priority locations. Notably, Child Protection partners received almost 250 per cent increase in funding from the previous month, proving it with three quarters of its requirements. This is partially reflected in additional 30,000 people reached through child protection programming in priority locations, particularly in Ninewa. Nevertheless, gender-based violence programmes remain critically underfunded (22 per cent of requirements) and this has resulted in closure of services in several locations.