Turkish military deploys 300 tanks, armored vehicles into Kurdistan

Last Update: 2024-06-27 14:20:04- Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The American organization "Community Peacemaker Teams" (CPT) reported, on Thursday, that the Turkish military has advanced into the Kurdistan Region of Iraq with 300 tanks and armored vehicles, establishing a security checkpoint within the Badinan area over the past ten days.

The report noted that approximately 1,000 Turkish soldiers have established a security checkpoint between the villages of Babir and Kani Balavi, where civilians are only allowed to pass after being interrogated and presenting Iraqi civil status identification or a national ID card.

The report further indicated that Turkiye is currently aiming to establish a security line. All villages, towns, districts, valleys, and territories behind this line would fall under Turkish military control, with the potential for combat zones if clashes occur in these regions.

Additionally, the report highlighted another objective of this Turkish military movement: reaching Haftanin Mountain in the Shiladze area and occupying the Gara mountain range, which could result in the Kurdistan Regional Government losing 70-75% of its authority over Duhok governorate.

CPT had previously reported in mid-June that Turkish forces conducted nearly 1,000 attacks and bombardments within Iraqi Kurdistan's territory during the first half of 2024.