His wife is a lawmaker.. High-ranking Peshmerga officer found dead in a vehicle in Erbil

Last Update: 2024-06-28 20:00:06- Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ A Peshmerga p officer was found dead in his car on Friday in Erbil, the capital city of the Kurdistan region, a local source told Shafaq News Agency.

The source identified the victim as Dr. Mohsin Mohammed Rashid, a Brigadier general, who was found inside his vehicle on Road 150 in Erbil.

It is unclear whether Rashid's death was the result of a suicide or an armed attack, the source added.

Rashid, a medical officer, was the husband of Vian Sabri, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party's bloc in the Iraqi parliament.

Shafaq News Agency was unable to independently verify the source's information.