Iraq climbs to fourth largest oil supplier to China in June

Last Update: 2024-07-09 14:00:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Iraq's oil exports to China's independent refineries surged in June, propelling the country to the fourth-largest supplier position, according to Chinese customs data.

Iraq shipped 1.342 million metric tons of crude oil to China in June, equivalent to 9.796 million barrels, marking a major increase from May's 699 million metric tons (5.102 million barrels) and a 72.1% jump compared to June 2023's 780 million metric tons (5.694 million barrels).

This strong performance secured Iraq's spot as the fourth-largest oil supplier to China's independent refineries last month, trailing behind Malaysia (7.118 million metric tons), Saudi Arabia (3.071 million metric tons), and Russia (2.369 million metric tons).