President Barzani condemns assassination attempt on KDP leader Akram Saleh

Last Update: 2024-07-16 16:20:04 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Tuesday, the Kurdish President, Nechirvan Barzani, called Akram Saleh, thehead of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) branch 22, after he survived anassassination attempt.

Apresidential statement stated that during the call, the President "condemnedthe terrorist act and all attempts at political assassination, reiterating thatauthorities are actively investigating the incident to apprehend the perpetratorsand ensure they face justice."

In turn, Salehexpressed gratitude to the President for his "concern and ongoing support."

On Monday,an explosion targeted Akram Saleh's car in Kalar of the Garmian administration,Iraqi Kurdistan, injuring him, his driver, and his bodyguard.

The KDPleader described the incident as a "terrorist act," stating that hewas the intended target.