Al-Sakini calls on parliament to settle al-Eidani position

Last Update: 2019-09-18 00:00:00- Source: Baghdad Post

Saairun MP Rami al-Sakini called on the parliament to settle the legal position of Basra Governor Asaad al-Eidani, either to stay as governor or MP.

He explained that he submitted an official letter to the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq and to the parliament to settle al-Eidani`s position from the post of governor or exercise his position as a member of parliament.

"Basra governor is required to settle his legal and constitutional position," said al-Sakini. "Article 4 of the parliament law states that the elected candidate is considered an MP and enjoys all his parliamentary rights except financial when the Federal Supreme Court ratified the election results. Article 49 the heading 6 and Article 8 under the heading 1 stipulated that two positions may not be combined.”
He stated: "this is not his personal opinion, but the opinion of the Iraqi parliament, which will send an official letter to Basra governor to settle the issue."

"I wrote a letter to the Federal Supreme Court to give a clear opinion like the parliament" he said.