"Dangerous terrorist" captured in al-Anbar: official

Last Update: 2024-08-22 19:20:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Iraqi security forces have captured a "dangerous terrorist" and seized a substantial arsenal of weapons in his possession in a preemptive operation conducted al-Anbar governorate. 

In a statement released on Thursday, the National Security Service said that the arrest was part of a broader security plan designed to safeguard the Arbaeen pilgrimage from potential threats. 

"Acting on intelligence, security forces apprehended the suspect in al-Anbar and, in a coordinated effort with the High Commission for Integrity's support team, identified his residence," it said.

The raid uncovered a huge cache of weapons, including 195 rounds of BKC ammunition, six mortar shells, 30 RPG rockets, two containers of single ammunition, 19 RPG rocket fillings, a military measuring device, a military scope, 50 rounds of single ammunition, and various other rounds, according to the statement.