Al-Sulaymaniyah University tops Kurdistan Region and ranks second in Iraq for 2025

Last Update: 2024-09-17 11:35:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The University ofSulaimani (Al-Sulaymaniyah) (UoS) has ranked first among universities in theKurdistan Region and second among Iraqi universities for 2025, marking itssecond consecutive year achieving this distinction, the AD Scientific Index organizationannounced on Tuesday.

The UoS administration stated, “Thisaccomplishment reflects the university's continuous progress and its role inproducing outstanding scientific research, demonstrating a commitment toinnovation and academic excellence.”

"This ranking highlights theuniversity's progress in advancing education and scientific research.”

It added, “The AD Scientific Index'sobjective criteria, which assess research quality, faculty performance, andteaching standards, underscore the university's growing national andinternational reputation, based on data from Google Scholar."

“Al-Sulaymaniyah Universityhasachieved a new milestone affirming its prestigious academic position.”

The administration concluded, “Thisevaluation reflects the university’s efforts in providing rigorous researchthat contributes to the development of higher education in Iraq.”

The University of Sulaimani, establishedin 1968, is a major public university in the Region. In 1981, the former Iraqiregime relocated the institution to Erbil (Hawler) and renamed it theUniversity of Salahaddin. However, in 1992, Kurdish intellectuals and academicsundertook significant efforts to restore it, leading to the re-establishment ofthe University of Sulaimani.

Today, the university offersundergraduate and postgraduate programs, awarding Bachelor’s, Higher Diploma,Master’s, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. It also publishes variousacademic journals.