Kurdish PM calls for removal of foreign armed groups from Sinjar

Last Update: 2024-09-21 12:00:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Kurdish Prime Minister Masrour Barzanireiterated his demand for the withdrawal of foreign armed groups from theSinjar district stressing the importanceof fully implementing the Erbil-Baghdad agreement.

Speaking at the foundation stone-laying ceremony for the Shekhan-LalishRoad project, PM Barzani emphasized the KRG’s commitment to defending therights of Yazidi citizens. “The Kurdistan Regional Government is committed tosafeguarding and defending the rights of our Yazidi brothers and sisters,” hesaid, adding that the government is making every effort to provide services andalleviate the suffering that the community has endured.

“We continue our efforts to normalize the situation in Sinjar.” He said,understanding the need for foreign armed groups and militias to leave the area,insisting, “The administration of the district must be in the hands of theoriginal inhabitants of the region.”

The Erbil-Baghdad agreement, signed in 2020, aims to restore stabilityin Sinjar, which has been a battleground for various armed groups following itsliberation from ISIS. Despite the agreement, tensions persist due to thepresence of foreign militias, which continue to hinder efforts for the fullreturn of displaced Yazidis.