Erbil Governor confirms election campaign ready, warns “actions against violators”

Last Update: 2024-09-22 21:20:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Omed Khoshnaw, the Governor of Erbil, the capital of the KurdistanRegion, confirmed the completion of procedures and preparations for theelection campaign.

In a pressconference following a meeting with the governorate's Security Committee,Khoshnaw stated, "The procedures are complete in Erbil, and the securityforces have made the necessary preparations."

"Thereare instructions regarding posters and banners that will be communicated to theparties," he added, expressing hope that the process “will proceedsmoothly.”

Furthermore,Khoshnaw explained that "the local government in Erbil maintainsneutrality towards all political entities and hopes there will be no violationsof the instructions.”

“Actionswill be taken against violators."

Politicalparties in the Region are awaiting the Independent High Electoral Commission'sannouncement of the start date for the election campaign ahead of the votingprocess.

Back inJune, President Nechirvan Barzani issued a Regional decree setting October 20,2024, as the official date for the Kurdistan parliamentary elections.

The Octobervote is expected to elect 100 new lawmakers representing the governorates ofIraqi Kurdistan: Erbil (34 seats, including one for Christians and one forTurkmen), Halabja (three seats), Al-Sulaymaniyah (38 seats, including one forChristians and one for Turkmen), and Duhok (25 seats, including one forChristians).