Mobile phones prohibited: Interior Ministry sets rules for Kurdistan Regional elections

Last Update: 2024-09-29 18:45:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, the Ministryof Interior in the Kurdistan Regional Government approved a series of measures tosecure the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Region, including a ban onbringing mobile phones into polling stations.

Shafaq News Agency’s correspondent statedthat the Minister of Interior, Rebar Ahmed, chaired a meeting of the High-SecurityCommittee regarding the sixth round of parliamentary elections.

After the meeting, the DirectorGeneral of the Ministry of Interior, Hemn Merany, told reporters that themeeting issued several decisions and directives primarily to ensure “the safetyand freedom of voters,” noting that “vehicle traffic on polling day willproceed as usual.”

“No one, except journalists, isallowed to bring mobile phones and cameras into polling stations, and they musthave a permit from the High Electoral Commission,” he explained.

Back in June, President NechirvanBarzani issued a Regional decree setting October 20, 2024, as the official datefor the Kurdistan parliamentary elections.

The October vote is expected toelect 100 new lawmakers representing the governorates of Iraqi Kurdistan: Erbil(34 seats, including one for Christians and one for Turkmen), Halabja (threeseats), Al-Sulaymaniyah (38 seats, including one for Christians and one forTurkmen), and Duhok (25 seats, including one for Christians).