Iraq's Per Capita GDP projected to exceed $6,000 in 2029: Statista analysis

Last Update: 2024-10-05 14:30:27 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The German websiteStatista, specializing in market and consumer data, reported that Iraq's percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is approximately $6,000 in 2024.

According to a report published by the website, Iraq's per capita GDP iscurrently $5,978 and is expected to rise to $6,824 by 2029.

“The highest per capita GDP in Iraq over the past 15 years was in 2013, at$7,021, while the lowest was in 2009, at $3,701," the report added.

This indicator describes the per capita GDP at current prices; thus, the GDPwas first converted from the national currency to US dollars at currentexchange rates and then divided by the total population.

Notably, GDP is a measure of a country's productivity, representing the totalvalue of goods and services produced over a specific period, typically oneyear.