Iraqi Ministry of Finance to transfer September salaries to KRI within three days

Last Update: 2024-10-08 13:10:29 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry ofFinance will transfer the September salary entitlements from Baghdad toemployees in the Kurdistan Region (KRI) within the next three days, and theywill be disbursed immediately upon receipt of the funds, a well-informed sourcerevealed on Tuesday.

According to information obtained byour agency, the Board of Supreme Audit and the Ministry have completed auditingthe September salary lists for KRI employees, and the remaining amount isexpected to be transferred this week.

“After the Kurdistan RegionalGovernment receives the funds from Baghdad, it will begin distributing employeesalaries in cooperation with the Region's internal revenues,” the sourcestated.

Meanwhile, Iraqi MP fromAl-Sulaymaniyah, Karwan Yaroes, announced on his official Facebook page, “TheIraqi Ministry of Finance has transferred approximately one trillion dinars (approximately$763 million) into the Kurdistan Regional Ministry of Finance.”

"This amount is designated forpaying the salaries of civilian, military, and security personnel forSeptember."

Ongoing Salary Delays

Employees in the Region have facedongoing delays in monthly salaries for years. The crisis is rooted in financialissues, including the global drop in oil prices and the Kurdish financialburden from the fight against ISIS.

Despite the Federal Court'sacknowledgment of Baghdad's obligation to pay salaries regularly, problems withsalary distribution persist, with some attributing these issues to politicalrather than financial factors.

The delay has become a chronicissue, impacting residents' daily lives. With many dependent on these salariesfor basic needs, frequent delays have led to significant psychological andsocial problems.

In response to the delays, employeesincreasingly resort to borrowing to cover basic needs, exacerbating their debtand adding social and economic pressure on themselves and their families.