KRI Minister declares new Gorran Movement coordinator's appointment “illegal”

Last Update: 2024-10-12 17:30:25 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Dana AbdulKarim, Kurdistan Region (KRI) Minister of Construction and Housing and a memberof the Gorran (Change) Movement, stated that Dana Ahmed Majid's appointment asthe movement's new general coordinator was “illegal.”

During a press conference in Al-Sulaymaniyah,Abdul Karim noted, “The movement held its national conference at the beginningof 2024, followed by internal elections.” He mentioned that “all 26 branchescompleted their elections and appointed their officials, electing threerepresentatives for external representation, including a female representative.”

Abdul Karim explained, “The generalcouncil's chairman was elected, and 31 members joined the national council,which should have included Mustafa Said Qadir to make a total of 32 members.” Hepointed out that the movement's constitution clearly states that the nationalcouncil must convene to elect a new general coordinator and leadership legallyand democratically.

Furthermore, he reported that theelection committee set the election date and selected the members. However,those in other positions within the movement obstructed the process, as theelections for a new general secretary were scheduled for September 7. "Theresults did not align with their expectations; they had other goals and did notwant to elect a new council and leadership following the properprocedures," he clarified.

Regarding Majid's appointment, AbdulKarim insisted that“it should have followed legal procedures according tothe internal constitution.” He confirmed, “Internal disputes should not beresolved through illegal actions,” highlighting that “disagreements arosebecause Omar Said Ali, who resigned in 2021, improperly appointed Majid.”

"He is not allowed to assignanyone after his resignation."

The minister further emphasized thatany decision related to resignations must come from the national council,composed of 32 members. “The recent decision was made by 11 members whoconvened without discussing the matter with the movement representatives in thegovernment.”

“They should have agreed with allmembers of the national council and held a meeting with their representativesbefore making such a decision.” He noted that any government-related decisionmust be made by the council.

On Thursday, the movement announcedits decision to withdraw from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and localadministrations in the governorates of Al-Sulaymaniyah, Halabja, and theGarmian and Raparin administrations. The move followed a directive from themovement's leadership, instructing its ministers and officials to submit theirresignations, with several high-ranking Gorran officials confirming theirresignations in official statements.

The Gorran Movement is one of themajor political movements in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Founded in 2009 as areformist faction that split from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK),Gorran aims to combat political corruption and enhance democracy andtransparency within the institutions of the Kurdistan Regional Government(KRG).

In recent years, Gorran has facedinternal leadership challenges, particularly following the death of its founderand leader, Nawshirwan Mustafa, in 2017. These challenges have led to internaldivisions over how the movement should be managed and its future politicaldirection.