Iran warns Turkey, says military action would violate Syria's sovereignty

Last Update: 2019-10-06 00:00:00 - Source: Baghdad Post

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned Turkey against any military action in Syria, saying such moves would violate “Syria’s territorial sovereignty.”

During an address to the Iranian Parliament in Tehran on Sunday, Zarif tackled recent tensions between Syrian Kurds and the Turkish government. “We have stated that the only way to maintain security in Turkey is to establish the (Syrian) central government’s military presence in the border areas, and under the Adana Agreement, this can be done.”

He added that security in Syria could not be established through military operations “against Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.”

Iran, according to Zarif, believes that regional security is possible through observing two principles.“First, respect for the sovereignty and Syria’s territorial integrity and security of all regional countries, and second, respect for the rights of all its inhabitants, including our Kurdish brothers and sisters.”

On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan renewed threats to invade northeastern Syria as soon as “today or tomorrow,” where US partner militias, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), are stationed.