Turkiye highlights Kurdistan President Nechirvan Barzani's visit

Last Update: 2024-10-17 16:05:26 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/Turkish media have spotlighted Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani'svisit to Turkiye, where he held talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Thediscussions focused on ways to boost bilateral ties, including Iraq’s upcomingelections and the economic impact of the Development Road project.

StrengtheningBilateral Relations

The Turkishnews outlet Duvar described Barzani’s visit as part of ongoing efforts toreinforce relations between Ankara, Erbil, and Baghdad.

The visitfollowed Erdogan’s first trip to Iraq in 12 years, where he held meetings withboth President Nechirvan Barzani and Prime Minister Masrour Barzani in theKurdistan Region.

According toDuvar, shortly after Erdogan’s visit, Turkiye and Iraq signed memorandums ofunderstanding to enhance cooperation in military, security, andcounterterrorism areas.

As part ofthis collaboration, Iraq imposed a ban on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)after the second high-level security meeting between Turkish and Iraqiofficials. The move was seen as a significant step in addressing long-standingsecurity concerns in the region.

Erdogan’sCall for Cooperation and Stability

Yeni ?afak,another Turkish newspaper, quoted Erdogan stressed the need for "strongcooperation in these difficult times" to eliminate terrorist threats,which he said undermined "peace and stability in the entire region."The discussion also covered broader Turkish-Iraqi relations and specific collaborationwith the Kurdistan Region.

Erdogan,according to Yeni ?afak, expressed hope for peaceful and inclusiveparliamentary elections in Kurdistan, set for October 20, which will alsofeature participation from the Turkmen Front. He additionally warned about theescalating Israeli aggression in the region and the potential for a full-scalewar, stressing the importance of maintaining regional peace.

During thetalks, Erdogan highlighted the importance of the Development Road project, amajor infrastructure initiative aimed at boosting economic development acrossthe region. He pointed out that the project would enhance economic stabilityand regional solidarity, providing direct benefits to Kurdistan.

Yeni ?afak saidthat the Turkish president reaffirmed Ankara’s strong commitment to supportingIraq and its people, whom he described as "brotherly and friendly," andpraised Iraqi authorities for their efforts to keep the country out of ongoingregional conflicts.

Closed-DoorMeetings and Security Discussions

According toDaily Sabah, Erdogan and Barzani held a private meeting attended by TurkishForeign Minister Hakan Fidan. The meeting was followed by a separate sessionbetween Barzani, Fidan, and Turkish Intelligence Chief Ibrahim Kalin, wherethey discussed regional security issues and the importance of cooperationbetween Turkiye and the Kurdistan Region.

Thenewspaper also noted Erdogan’s continued pressure on Iraq to fully classify thePKK as a terrorist organization. This stance was reiterated during a jointpress conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in Baghdadlast April.