Iraq signs key gas supply deal with Turkmenistan to boost power grid

Last Update: 2024-10-19 13:55:26 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Saturday, Iraqi Electricity Minister Ziad Ali Fadel announced the signing ofan agreement with Turkmenistan to secure a daily supply of 20 million cubicmeters of gas.

In astatement, Fadel emphasized that this influx of gas will play a remarkable rolein enhancing the country’s electricity infrastructure, saying, "Thisamount of imported gas will contribute to the full operation of our gas-poweredplants, ensuring stability for the national grid."

The gas fromTurkmenistan will be transported to Iraq through Iran's pipeline network, followinga swap mechanism in cooperation with Switzerland-based “Loxstone Energy”, Fadelexplained.

"Thesigning of this agreement is the culmination of over a year of intensivetechnical efforts, which included multiple meetings, reciprocal visits, and thesigning of a memorandum of understanding last year," the minister added.