Nechirvan Barzani: Kurdistan is an integral part of Iraq, committed to resolving disputes and ensuring stability

Last Update: 2024-10-20 09:10:25 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani reaffirmed, onSunday, that the region is an inseparable part of the state of Iraq and willremain so, emphasizing the need to keep the country out of the ongoing regionalconflicts.

Speaking at a press conference following his vote in the generalelection for the Kurdistan Parliament's sixth term, Barzani highlighted theimportance of resolving outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad throughconstitutional means. "Our policy is to solve disputes through dialogueand negotiations, based on Iraq’s permanent constitution," Barzani said,expressing disappointment that "several articles of the constitution havenot been implemented since 2003."

Barzani stressed that the key to long-term stability is the resolutionof these issues between Erbil and Baghdad, calling for "implementing theconstitutional provisions that secure the rights and obligations of bothKurdistan and Iraq as a whole."

He also underlined that Kurdistan's policy is a stabilizing factor inthe region. "We seek to enhance relations with our neighbors, especiallyin the economic and trade sectors," Barzani said, prioritizing economicprosperity for the Region. "We do not want Iraq to get involved inregional conflicts," he added, reiterating that ongoing discussions withBaghdad and international parties aim to ensure that Iraq stays out of thesetensions.

During the same press conference, President Barzani expressed his hopethat the political forces emerging victorious in the election will"swiftly form a unified government capable of serving the KurdistanRegion."

"The new government must transition the Region from one phase toanother," Barzani noted, affirming that the political parties would sittogether after the election to enable the Parliament to begin its sessions andfor the government to be formed without delay.

He stressed that "the success of the election reflects the triumphof the people of Kurdistan and all of its components, not just the politicalparties," stressing the importance of this electoral process in shapingthe future of the Region.

Earlier in the day, Barzani urged the citizens of the Kurdistan Regionto exercise their right to vote in the general election, which will electrepresentatives for the next four years in Parliament.

Barzani praised the peaceful conduct of the election campaign, despitesome violations. "The real winner in this process is the people ofKurdistan," he said, expressing his hope that they will elect the rightrepresentatives to lead them in the coming years.

"The authority in the Kurdistan Region is derived from the ballotboxes," Barzani remarked, emphasizing the responsibility of the people inshaping the Region’s future through their vote.

Barzani also extended special thanks to Iraqi Prime Minister MohammedShia Al-Sudani, Chief Justice Faiq Zidan, the Independent High ElectoralCommission, and international organizations for their support in ensuring thesuccess of the election process. "Without their backing, this electioncould have faced significant challenges," he concluded.