Iraq calls for rapid formation of Kurdistan Regional Government, urging respect for people's “free will”

Last Update: 2024-10-23 15:45:27 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Wednesday, the Iraqi Presidency called on political parties in the KurdistanRegion to expedite the formation of the new Kurdish Government following thelegislative elections.

In astatement, the Presidency urged “all political parties to engage inconstructive national dialogue to form a government focused on prioritizing theneeds of the people, advancing reconstruction efforts, supporting economicrecovery, and achieving sustainable development.”

“Electionsare not only a fundamental constitutional duty but also a crucial pillar of ourunified federal parliamentary democratic system, serving as a point of pridefor all Iraqis,” it added.

ThePresidency further called for "respecting the election results and thefree will of the people," reaffirming its support for completing theconstitutional and democratic process in the Region “to strengthen nationalunity and fulfill the aspirations of the people for development, prosperity,and progress.”

Notably,Kurdistan’s sixth Parliamentary elections took place on Sunday, where 1,091candidates competed for 100 seats, five of which are reserved for minoritygroups.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has emerged as theleading party with 39 seats, followed by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)with 23 seats, and the New Generation Movement (Al-Jil Al-Jadeed-NGM) securing15 seats.