Kurdistan PM Masrour Barzani calls for unity in government formation

Last Update: 2024-10-24 19:15:25 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/On Thursday, Kurdish Prime Minister Masrour Barzani urged political forces tounite under the national project for the formation of the region’s 10thcabinet.

Barzani'scall came during the graduation ceremony for a new batch of students from theUniversity of Kurdistan–Hewler (UKH) in Erbil, attended by academic figures andparents.

Barzaninoted that the Kurdistan Region is “on the cusp” of a new phase followingrecent elections, as preparations are underway to form the 10th ministerialcabinet capable of facing the challenges ahead. He underscored the importanceof education as a cornerstone in this new government’s priorities.

"The electoralvictory this week has renewed our mandate to achieve our goals," Barzanisaid, calling on everyone to “join the national project to rebuild and developthe homeland through the empowerment of educational institutions.”

Barzani alsohighlighted that the new government must address ongoing challenges and worktogether to meet security and economic demands in a region marked by persistentinstability.

PM Barzanistressed the significance of government decisions to maintain this stabilityand to provide hope and opportunities to its people. "We owe it to thepeople of Kurdistan to deliver the best, and we will do that," he added.

During hisspeech, Barzani outlined some achievements of the outgoing 9th cabinet,including the “My Bank Account (Hisabi)” initiative, which has registeredaround 700,000 public sector employees, and the "Ronaqi" electricityproject aimed at providing 24-hour electricity across the region. To date, morethan 50,000 citizens benefit from uninterrupted power, with plans to extend theproject to Al-Sulaimaniyah and Duhok.

Founded in2006 by then-KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, the University ofKurdistan-Hewler (UKH) was envisioned as an institution that would contributeto the development of the Kurdistan Region by keeping pace with globaltechnological, economic, and political advancements. Currently, the universityoffers degrees in business and management, political science and internationalrelations, computer science and engineering, and natural resource engineering.