EIA: Surge in Iraqi oil exports to the US

Last Update: 2024-10-27 10:15:27 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/Iraqi oil exports to the United States increased last week, according to the USEnergy Information Administration (EIA.)

The EIAreported on Sunday that the average US crude oil imports from ten key countriesreached 5.647 million barrels per day (bpd) last week, an increase of 640.000bpd from the previous week’s average of 5.007 million bpd.

The reportsaid that Iraq’s oil exports to the US averaged 237.000 bpd last week, whichrepresented 167.000 bpd more than the previous week’s average of 70.000 bpd.

Canada ledthe oil imports to the US last week, averaging 3.719 million bpd, followed byColumbia with 365.000 bpd, Venezuela came next with 289.000 bpd, and Brazilwith 285.000 bpd.

According tothe EIA data, the US imported 258.000 bpd from Mexico, 150.000 bpd from SaudiArabia, 138.000 bpd from Ecuador, 125.000 bpd from Nigeria, and 89.000 bpd fromLibya.