Leader Barzani to expand ties between Kurdistan and Switzerland

Last Update: 2024-10-28 13:30:27 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s(KDP) leader, Masoud Barzani emphasized efforts to strengthen relations betweenthe Kurdistan Region and Switzerland across various sectors.

A statement from the KDP leader’s residence in Saladin reportedthat Barzani met with Switzerland’s ambassador to Iraq, Daniel Hunn. Hewelcomed the opening of the Swiss embassy in Iraq and congratulated the newambassador on assuming his duties, wishing him success.

Barzani noted that the Kurdish people hold a special respectfor the Swiss people and government, expressing hopes to expand bilateralrelations, particularly in economic infrastructure and health.

For his part, the Swiss ambassador praised Barzani’s“historic role” in Iraq and Kurdistan’s political process and congratulated himon the successful Kurdistan parliamentary elections. The ambassador expressedsatisfaction with the peaceful and orderly conduct of the elections, calling ita significant achievement for the people of Kurdistan and the democraticprocess.

Regarding the parliamentary elections, Barzani attributedthe stability and smooth organization of the process to the people ofKurdistan, providing an outline of the legal steps for the post-election phase.

The meeting also covered political developments in Iraq,regional affairs, and the latest regional updates.