Kurdish delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss November 20 population census

Last Update: 2024-10-28 17:00:28 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Monday, a delegationfrom the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad todiscuss the upcoming population census scheduled for November 20.

The Kurdistan Planning Ministrystated, "The delegation consists of specialists from the Ministry,"noting, "The visit aims to address the population census in Iraq, whichwill also encompass the provinces of the Kurdistan Region.”

Notably, Iraq's last comprehensivepopulation census was conducted in 1987, involving all provinces, followed by a1997 census that excluded the Region. Since then, the country has relied onapproximate figures from unofficial institutions and research centers, with theMinistry of Planning estimating the population at over 42 million in 2022.