Turkey’s Continuous Trail of Terror and Genocide

Last Update: 2019-10-21 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

Turkish attacks and invasion of Syrian Kurdistan. A Kurdish woman covers her face near Tel Tamr near the Syrian Kurdish town of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain), Hasaka province in Syrian Kurdistan (Roajav), October 16, 2019. Photo: AFP

Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur | Exclusive to Ekurd.net
President of Kurdish American Education Society, Los Angeles.

Following Turkey’s invasion of Kurdistan in Syria, on October 9th, members of the European Union have come out to strongly condemn the Turkish invasion and the betrayal by the US president Donald Trump in giving the green light to the Turks to invade Syria and carry out acts of genocide against the Kurdish population.

While the entire world is outraged and condemns this Turkish act of aggression to invade a neighbor and annex its territory with intent to slaughter the Kurdish population, we must not stay silent, be morally numbed and paralyzed while being witness to a holocaust that is taking place at the hands of Erdogan and the Turks right now in Kurdistan.

The illegitimate government of Turkey, led by a purebred gangster Erdogan, Father of All Terrorists, has started a military campaign backed by a massive propaganda to justify his act of genocide against the Kurdish people that must neutralized by all our energy and efforts.

Why? Why? and Why? How is it these bloodlust Turks are doing what they are doing, and simply getting away with it? What is their ultimate objective by their threats, aggression, invasion, carnage and terror they are committing right before the eyes of the world? Why and how have they blindfolded the conscience of the US President Donald Trump? What influences have been bought and paid for by the Turks, who are the close and corrupt cronies who advise him to support Erdogan and condone his act of genocide against the Kurds?

There are no decent answers to these questions except to say that we now live in the age of unscrupulous corruption of world power and leadership. We have become the victims of the three great human sins of indulgence, namely, greed, power, and hate, which now have all converged in the corrupt characters of “high-level” leaders we have at this time and on this stage of political leadership on earth.

Then again, the question is how did we arrive at this dilapidated state of political and moral leadership where the “most powerful leader” in the world, has turned evil, by giving the greenlight to the leader of another country to go ahead and commit an open act of ethnic cleansing and genocide against another group?

How can this be explained? How can one explain why the fruit of a tree or the water supply of a community has turned poisonous, without an in-depth investigation, and understanding of the soil and the background conditions that has caused it?

Smoke rises from the Syrian Kurdish town of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) in Syrian Kurdistan, on the third day of Turkey’s military operation against Kurdish forces, October 11, 2019. Photo: AFP

In this regard, members of the European Union have expressed their strong condemnation of Turkey, because they know the historical background of the Turks very well. Frankly, they have come to be extremely worried about the poisonous and genocidal intents by the Turks not only against the Kurdish people, but soon against the European people themselves again like in the past. They have wisely stopped Turkish membership in the EU, and soon may expel Turkey from NATO membership. The EU members know well, that if they are not united and determined to defeat Turkey, like the past, the whole of Europe and the West will soon be in danger of another Turkish invasion, this time using their hidden “Army of Conquest” to bring about another Ottoman siege of Europe as happened during the siege of Vienna in 1529.

In an attempt to explain why the Turks are continuing their genocidal attacks on the Kurdish people, it is important to remind ourselves of some key important historical events that has brought the Turks to where they are today standing on a platform of savagery, genocide and shame for the world to see.

Let start first with the point of origin of the Turkic people and their subsequent spread as nomadic people of the Central Asia toward the West.

1. The origin of the Turkic people is known to be the North-Western regions of China, more specifically the province of Xinjiang home to the Uyghur minority in China.

2. Due to over population and scarcity of food to feed themselves and their livestock, these people were known to have practiced cannibalism and constantly invaded mainland China in search of a more abundant source of food and better pasture for their animals.

3. This outward expansion brought the Turks into conflict, with the Chinese people who resisted Turkic aggression, cannibalism and savagery.

4. To defend against the Turkic invasion and hostility, various Chinese rulers as far back as 200 BC forward, began to build the Great Wall of China to keep the invading aggressive hordes of Turks out.

5. With the China wall hindering their move deep into the Chinese heartland, these Turkic tribes led by the likes of Genghis Khan then changed direction toward the West into the Central Asia.

6. By the early 7th century, the murderous pagan Turkic tribes, had multiplied in numbers forming various branches, began to invade Central Asia with ferocious aggressiveness they occupied and slaughtered the non-Turkic indigenous people and turned them into what is now known as the Turkic States of Central Asia called Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

7. At the same time, in early 7th century A.D., in the Middle East, in region which is now Saudi Arabia, Prophet Mohammed brought to power the new religion of Islam.

8. After the death of the Prophet, under the succeeding Caliphs (those who succeeded the Prophet as a leader of the then new Muslim world, equivalent to a Pope leading the Christen world), Islam expanded East and North with the power of the Muslim Sword (See Saudi Arabia’s flag that is decorated with the sword of Islam).

9. The first Non-Muslim culture that fell under the rising power of Islam was that of Kurdistan and Iran who were under the Kurdish dynasty of the Sasanians with their capital in the Kurdish region, who were the followers of the Yazidi-Zoroastrian religion. Is important to know that the Three Kings (Wisemen), were from the Yazidis of Kurdistan.

10. Now the Muslims who had conquered Kurdistan and Iran (See Battle of al-Qadisiyyah 636 A.D), then expanded further East into the Central Asia where they confronted the West bound Turkic Pagans.

11. For nearly three hundred years, the East-going Muslims fought against the West-going Turks, until finally by the 8th and 9th century A.D., the Muslims won over the Turks and tribe after tribe of Turks were converted to Islam, all the way to the Province of Xinjiang in China where the Uyghur minorities live.

12. Turks never lost their Pagan practices and savagery, they became the Soldiers of Islam, now in alliance with Islam were allowed to move West-bound in search of better pastures to feed their growing numbers.

13. By the 10th Century, one tribe among them, the Oghuz tribe, led by a man named Seljuq, considered the Iranians and the Kurds still to be infidel for not converting completely to this new religion of Islam, therefore, began a genocidal massacre of every non-Turk and non-Muslim of his kind, on his path. Cities like Nishapur, Kerman, Isfahan, Hamadan, and the Kurdish population Kirkuk, fell to their control with enormous number of people massacred in a genocidal fashion. He ordered that mosques be built using human skulls where bricks were scarce.

14. By 1055 Seljuq’s grandson, Tughrul threatened to depose and kill the Caliph of Baghdad, Al-Qaim, unless he agreed to bless the young Turk, with his Islamic crusade against the East Christian world with its Capital in Constantinople.

15. Once he received the blessing he needed, Tughrul left it to his son Al-Arslan to carry on the task of fighting the Christians. By 1071, Al Arslan reached the town of Malazgirt in N. Kurdistan, Eastern Anatolia, where the Christians received a decisive defeat and the Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes was captured by the Muslim Turks.

16. Defeat after defeat of the Christians followed until by 1453 the Turks captured Constantinople, the seat of the East Roman Catholicism and the Turks changed its name to Istanbul.

17. Constantinople and Byzantine, with all its magnificent Churches and Archeological wonders from the time of the Greco-Roman era, fell into the hand of Turkic savages leaving behind untold stories of savagery, destruction and genocides.

18. For their victory over the Christians, they not only changed the name of Constantinople to Istanbul, but the changed the name Byzantine to Ossmanyeh or the Ottomans, named after one of their Tribal leader Osmanli.

19. Empowered by the defeat of the East Christianity, they moved in to the Eastern Europe and began converting their subject Christians to Turkic Muslims, in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, and the Balkans.

20. They engaged in stealing children, seeking blond hair, fair skinned, blue eyed young girls of the Balkans known as the Saddleback Children of the Ottoman-Turks and shipped them back to the harems of their Turkish tribal clans back in Ossmanyeh. This is the first known mass sex-trafficking business in the history of human kind whereby the Turks created public harems and parentless baby hatcheries in order to populate and Turkify Anatolia on one hand, while killing off the indigenous population on the other hand, among them the Kurds have been their one enemy that have put up a heroic fight against the Turks and their ongoing Turkish genocidal attempts.

21. By 1265, Ilkhanate, another branch of the Turkic tribes, under Holako Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, captured Azerbaijan and made Tabriz their capital. For over the next two hundred years, Azeris (today’s people of Azerbaijan), came under extreme “Turkification” force by the Turks the result of which is that today, the Azeris who spoke a language close to Kurmanji Kurdish now speak a variation of Turkish that is different than Oguz tribe Turkish that is spoken in Turkey. History of capture of Tabriz is horrifically described by 100s of thousands of Azeris beheaded skulls put on stakes by the Turks then used to build buildings and mosques for the newly converted to Islam Turks.

22. By 1529 they reached the gates of Vienna, with ultimate objective to capture Rome and the Western seat of Christianity by deposing the Pope and bringing Western Christianity under the Ottoman Muslim-Turks.

23. Like today’s Europe, which on one hand is united by the EU principle, and yet divided by the anti-EU groups such as the Brexit movement, in 1529, Europe too, was divided by religious strife (Reformation movement), power struggle for the leadership of the Roman Empire, and quest to colonize the newly discovered world of the Americas.

24. Because in the 1529, there was a growing animosity between King Henry VIII of England, Pope Clement VII, which eventually caused the Church of England to form and break away from Vatican,

The king of England showed a tacit support for the Ottoman Turks against the Pope which became the foundation of the first Anglo-Turkic diplomatic relations. King’s argument was that the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend! In the early sixteenth century England, the King’s enemy wasn’t only the Vatican, but the entire world of Catholicism, particularly Spain whose King Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire had defeated the Ottoman-Turks in 1529 in Vienna and was about to colonize the New World of Americas for the Spanish crown.

25. By the time the defeated Ottomans retreated from Vienna, they had left behind in Eastern Europe proxy states and pockets of Turkish operatives loyal to the Turks who remain as businessmen trading between Europe and Turkey.

26. Decades later, in 1588, with the British defeat of the Spanish Armada that set the stage for the rise of the British empire, the monarchs and political leaders of England saw more strategic importance of the Middle East vis-à-vis the Ottomans with increasing political alliance with them.

27. Fast forward, by WWI, the Ottoman Turks had aligned themselves with the Central Powers who were the Germans, the Hungarians and the Turks against the Allied Powers who were mainly England, Russia, France and many of today’s members of the European Union.

28. With the defeat of the Central Powers, the Ottoman territories was divided by the Sykes-Picot Agreement that created the modern map of the Middle East. In 1923 modern Turkey was created under the leadership of Kemal Ataturk, who was the favorite of England, the main leader of the winning Allied Powers. Kemal Ataturk, and Tukey, since its creation has been a key English ally and in 1952 the country became member of NATO serving the same for the United States geopolitical interests to counter Russia, China and maintain control of the oil supply from the Middle East.

29. With such a favorable position with the West, Turkey has become the second largest NATO military mostly used against the Kurds and has received billions of dollars of financial aid and investment by the Western international conglomerates that have interests vested in that country.

30. With these sources of money, military, political favoritism and revenues generated from Western tourists visiting the occupied East Christian and Greco-Roman heritage sites, Turkey has managed to accumulate not only Billions of US dollars in cash, but has bought and stored tons of gold that can buy influence among the corrupt Western leaders oblivious to the Turkey’s new-Ottomans ultimate objectives which are:

31. To regain pre-WWI Ottoman territories. To remove the Kurds and the Armenians out of their way to make land connection to Azerbaijan, and via the Caspian Sea, to Turkmenistan and the Turkish states of the Central Asia, where they will have more access to recruiting radical Islamic Turkic Jihadists all the way to the province of Xinjiang in China among the Muslim Uyghurs.

32. Their Western strategy is that after the elimination of the Kurds and release of ISIS/ISIL and pressing the United States to have war with Iran, they will have achieved their Eastern strategy. This will enable Turkey to achieve one of its most deep-state political imagination that is forming The Turkish Army of Conquest using radical doctrines of the Islamic Brotherhood. It will then be a matter of a few decades that they will implement their ultimate plan that is to returning back to Europe and the beyond the gates of Vienna.

33. This time, Turkey will not do this alone, with their immense economic and political influence among the corrupt Western leaders particularly those who wish to see the Fall of Vatican, Catholicism, and finally Christianity.

34. What can be done to prevent such an in-the-making and real calamity that is now happening between the forces of Civilization the Kurds where they have lived for thousands of years in the cradle of Civilization, against the Uncivilized Turkish forces whose history of aggression, violence, war, terror and genocide is well documented throughout history?

35. At this critical stage of human history and civilization, our very humanity and its fundamental values has come under attack. We the Kurds appeal to the strength of moral values in every individual and the ideals on which the constitutions of many civilized nations have been built, to stop the Turkish genocide against the Kurdish population. Furthermore, we ask that the United States leadership along with other civilized nations to set aside their differences at the United Nations and confront and condemn Turkey for its attack on Kurdish life, and holding that country leadership accountable for their crimes against humanity

Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur, the President of Kurdish American Education Society, Los Angeles, U.S.

The opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of Ekurd.net or its editors.

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