Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan

Last Update: 2024-11-13 18:21:23 - Source: Shafaq News
Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the Iraqi Parliament's FinanceCommittee, Atwan al-Atawani, discussed with Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdul Ghaniways to resolve outstanding issues with the Kurdistan Region and resume oilexports from the region.

In the ministry headquarters, the discussion covered thelatest developments and agreements to end the oil dispute with the KurdistanRegion, highlighting key technical obstacles. This coincided with the arrivalof the proposed draft amendment to the budget law, which was sent by thegovernment to parliament for voting, aimed at addressing this issue.

The meeting also covered Iraq's oil policy, the ministry'snegotiation efforts with OPEC to secure Iraq’s production share, and plans todevelop the domestic oil industry to meet the country’s fuel needs,particularly for electricity generation and gasoline, toward self-sufficiency.

In this context, the Chairman of Finance Committee statedthat "the meeting aims to reach a final agreement on resuming oil exportsthrough the Turkish Ceyhan pipeline."

The Head of the Finance Committee also suggested that theproposed amendment to the budget law could be a key step toward resolving theoil dispute with a comprehensive national vision, noting that the halt in oilexports from the region “has caused significant financial losses for Iraq.”

For his part, the Minister of Oil emphasized Iraq'scommitment to OPEC unity to ensure stable oil prices.