How KRG government plays double game with PKK, Turkey and people of Kurdistan

Last Update: 2019-02-10 00:00:00- Source: Iraq News

Ashti Sheladzi | Exclusive to

Iraq’s Kurdistan regional government ((KRG) plays double game with all three sides, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK, Turkey and gullible citizens of Kurdistan. They give information about the hideouts of PKK to Turkish military through secret service double agents and at the same time they send information to PKK to run for cover and hide to avoid being killed by Turkish airstrikes. They also send food and medicine to PKK so do allow the sick and injured PKK members to use health care facilities in Kurdistan and of course with coordination and secretly. In addition,

Security forces of KRG never stop civilian cars PKK uses when they move around and go through security check points and roads between cities, towns, villages and mountains in northern part of Iraq.

Further, KRG plays games with people of Kurdistan as well. Secret service agents of KRG,tel people to respect PKK members when they go near oil fields for safety or when they go to villages for shopping or for hiding from Turkish bombarding. While the same KRG secret service agents tell people to respect Turkey too, their military bases and their MIT secret agents in Kurdistan. However, KRG shift it’s strategy at times when it’s personal interests are threatened by Turkey or PKK or by people of Kurdistan.

There have been situations where KRG turned people against PKK and fight them to death. While another times they (KRG) secret service agents have brainwashed, manipulated and turned people to help PKK fighting against Turkey.

And Shiladze situation is one example. There have also been situations where the KRG cooperated with Turkey to harass and arrest Kurdish people who go their farms on the mountains or who tend to kick Turkish military bases out of Kurdistan.

All together, KRG plays double game with Turkey, PKK and people of Kurdistan depending on how it fits and serves their personal and political party interests.

The master mind of this game is Barzan and Talbani families.

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