Shafaq News/On Thursday, the Ministry of Planning in the Kurdistan Regional Government(KRG) reassured citizens that the population census will continue until thelast family is registered.
The census,launched on Wednesday, November 20, marks the first such undertaking since1987, when all provinces participated. A census in 1997 excluded the KurdistanRegion. For decades, Iraq relied on unofficial estimates from research centers,with the Planning Ministry estimating the population at over 42 million in2022.
The ministrystated that "a large portion of the census tasks has been completed in theprovinces and independent administrations of the Kurdistan Region over the pastfive days, despite technical obstacles."
"Citizensare calling the Census Operations Room and provincial Statistical Offices toconfirm whether enumerators will visit them, as the process was announced tolast two days, with no registration after the deadline,” it added.
Notably, morethan 120,000 field researchers are going door to door, collecting data fromhouseholds using electronic tablets, in a process supported by the UnitedNations.
The ministryfurther assured Kurdistan Region residents that "the process will continueuntil all families are registered,” urging citizens to “stay home to receiveenumerators and be recorded."
In a relateddevelopment, the Ministry of Planning announced, earlier today, that thepreliminary results, including the total population of Iraq, the population ofeach province, and the gender and age distribution, will be announced afterdata verification, likely on Sunday or Monday next week in an official pressconference.