Kurdistan Region launches final phase of comprehensive population census

Last Update: 2024-11-30 11:35:27 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministryof Planning announced the launch of the final phase of its population census, acrucial initiative expected to run for over two weeks.

“This phase aims to visit every household across the region to collectresponses to the census questionnaire,” the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry elaborated that the census teams will gather detailedinformation through a comprehensive set of 77 questions, covering demographics,social and economic conditions, education, health, employment, migration,reasons for relocation, national ID details, and family nutrition.Additionally, data on births and deaths within households will berecorded.

“The questionnaires also address essential services such as water andelectricity supply, waste management, and household needs, whether in urban orrural areas,” the statement noted.

The Ministry of Planning called on all households to cooperate fullywith the census teams, emphasizing the importance of a family representativeanswering the questions accurately to ensure the process’s success.

For Kurdish citizens living outside the region, the ministry clarified,“Those unable to participate in the second phase can still benefit from thisfinal phase.” Families currently outside the region are encouraged to return totheir local areas to ensure their inclusion in the census, which safeguardstheir rights and ensures comprehensive and accurate results.

The census, considered one of the ministry's most significant projects,is designed to provide precise and wide-ranging data to inform public policyand improve services for residents of the Kurdistan Region.

This final stage follows earlier phases, aiming to deliver accurateresults that support the region’s development efforts.

After the census's launch on Wednesday, November 20, Abdul ZahraAl-Hindawi, spokesperson for Iraq’s Ministry of Planning, stated, “Theoperation will continue until every family and every individual is registered.The ministry plans to announce preliminary results next week.”

On Monday, November 25, Kurdistan’s Planning Minister, Dara Rashid,revealed initial census findings, placing the region’s population at 6,370,668.

Speaking at a press conference, Rashid said, “These figures are based onpreliminary census results and do not include residents of disputedareas.”

The minister disclosed that the region's male population stands at 3,200,506,while females total 3,170,162, representing a gender distribution of 50.4%males and 49.6% females.

“In the Kurdistan Region, 84% of residents are urban dwellers, while 16%live in rural areas. The region also has 2,028,000 housing units,” Rashidadded.

Highlighting demographic details, the minister noted that 4.4% of theregion’s population is over 65 years old, with the oldest resident recorded at126 years.

However, Rashid pointed out that 4% of the population remains uncounted,making the current figures provisional.