Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, Kurdishleader Masoud Barzani emphasized the need to address outstanding issues betweenBaghdad and the Kurdistan Region (KRI,) urging the Iraqi government to “stop obstructing”the people of the Region.
In a message marking the New Year,Barzani congratulated the KRI people, the families of martyrs, and thePeshmerga, wishing “happiness and well-being to all.”
Barzani further praised the"success" of the Kurdistan Parliament elections held last October,affirming that the people of Kurdistan "clearly voiced their message andwill." He urged a swift response to the "voice and demands of the KRIpeople by quickly forming the 10th cabinet to implement its plans and programsfor their benefit.”
The Kurdish leader emphasized theneed to resolve outstanding issues between the Iraqi federal government and theKurdistan Regional Government “within the framework of the constitution andagreements, through dialogue and coordination,” and to “stop impeding therights of the Kurdistan people.”
Regarding regional developments,Barzani noted that the region is going through “sensitive” conditions. "Theevents and changes in Syria have regional impacts… They also present a newopportunity for Syria's communities to build strong foundations forcoexistence, peace, and stability through dialogue and understanding."
He added, "Our region can nolonger bear additional crises, violence, terrorism, extremism, or chaos.Therefore, all parties must embrace dialogue and understanding, avoidingdenial, and ethnic and religious extremism… Everyone must understand that nogroup will succeed in imposing itself on others."
"We hope the new year bringsgood fortune, peace, and coexistence to our region, and we pray to God toprotect our people from all forms of evil, misfortune, and calamity," heconcluded.