KDP and PUK conclude talks without agreement, Set new meeting date

Last Update: 2025-01-07 17:05:25 - Source: Shafaq News

ShafaqNews/ The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan(PUK) concluded their latest meeting on Tuesday in Erbil without reaching aconsensus on forming the Kurdistan Region’s new government.

Themeeting, held at the PUK’s political bureau headquarters in Erbil, marked thethird formal round of discussions between the two leading parties since theparliamentary elections in October 2024.

Accordingto Shafaq News correspondent, the delegations from both sides focused onreviewing reports they had prepared, which detailed their respective visionsfor the new government and the demands of each party.

Despitethe progress made in earlier sessions, no definitive agreement was reachedduring Tuesday's meeting, however, both parties expressed a commitment tocontinuing dialogue to resolve outstanding differences. They also agreed toreconvene on Thursday, January 9.

Backgroundof Negotiations

Effortsto form the new Kurdish government began shortly after the October 2024parliamentary elections, which reshaped the political landscape of theKurdistan Region.

Thefirst formal meeting between the KDP and PUK took place in Al-Sulaymaniyah atthe end of November, followed by a second meeting in Erbil.

Duringthe second meeting, the two sides agreed to establish a joint committee taskedwith drafting reports on the mechanisms for the government’s operation, futuregoals, and the priorities of each party.

TheOctober 2024 parliamentary elections cemented the KDP's position as the leadingparty, securing 39 seats, while the PUK followed with 23 seats.