Iran, Kurdistan Region to expand trade cooperation, plan 2025 expo in Duhok

Last Update: 2025-01-15 18:35:25 - Source: Shafaq News
Iran, Kurdistan Region to expand trade cooperation, plan 2025 expo in Duhok

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, adelegation from the Iran-Azerbaijan Joint Chamber of Commerce and the DuhokChamber of Commerce and Industry held meetings to boost trade between Iran andthe Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), with a particular focus on Duhok Province.

Shukri Jamil, President of the DuhokChamber of Commerce, told Shafaq News, "The two sides agreed on keymatters, including organizing an international exhibition for Iranian companiesin Duhok in May 2025. They also agreed to exchange visits between Iranianbusiness delegations—investors, company owners, and traders—to strengthencommercial ties and expand economic cooperation."

"The discussions coveredSyria's economic situation, with both sides exploring ways to transport goodsinto Syria via Duhok, which will provide the necessary support to boost tradeand increase economic exchanges between both sides.” Jamil added.

Notably, tradebetween Iran and the Kurdistan Region totals 6 billion dollars annually,accounting for nearly half of the trade crossing from Iran into Iraq throughborder crossings, making the Region a key market for Iran.