Shafaq News/ A former Iraqi election official filed a legalcomplaint against three political leaders, accusing them of colluding withforeign countries to interfere in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region's internalaffairs.
In an exclusive statement to Shafaq News, the Former Memberof Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC), Saeed Kakayi, explainedthat he lodged the complaint on behalf of 75 citizens through the electionoffice in Al-Sulaymaniyah.
The complaint targets three political leaders: theSecretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union, Salahuddin Bahaauddin; theleader of the New Generation Movement, Shaswar Abdulwahid; and the GeneralGuide of the Kurdistan Islamic Movement, Irfan Ali Abdulaziz.
Kakayi accused the leaders of “bypassing official diplomaticprotocols and circumventing Iraq’s legislative, executive, and judicialauthorities, facilitating foreign interference in Iraq and the KurdistanRegion's internal affairs.”
“Such actions jeopardize Iraq’s sovereignty and nationalunity,” he warned.