Syrian Kurdistan autonomous administration allows ENKS to open offices, carry political activities

Last Update: 2019-12-20 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

The Syrian Kurdish National Council ENKS, 2019. Photo: Rudaw TV

QAMISHLO, Syrian Kurdistan,— The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (Rojava), said on Wednesday that the opposition Kurdish National Council (ENKS) can now open offices in the region without requiring permission from the self-administration.

The Syrian Kurdistan self-administration said in a statement that the ENKS is free to open offices and carries out its political activities in the area in an attempt to reorganize the political speeches in Syria and creating a real partner.

It stated that the ENKS would not be required to have prior security approvals to open offices in the area.

The Syrian Kurdistan leadership also dropped all legal cases against ENKS members and formed a committee to investigate opposition claims that ENKS members are being held in Syrian Kurdistan prisons for political reasons. The decision was welcomed by ENKS.

“Based on the initiative launched by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to create a united Kurdish political discourse, and based on building a real partnership in the administration and our faith in the importance of this initiative for interests of the public, we announce that there is no legal obstacle before the Kurdish National Council in Syria to open organizational and political offices and practice their political and social activities without requiring security approval,” read a statement from the Syrian Kurdistan self-administration.

The ENKS, a Turkey-backed organization opposed to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party PYD was established by Massoud Barzani and his Kurdistan Democratic Party KDP of Iraqi Kurdistan in October 2011. The KDP doesn’t recognized the autonomous Cantons and the self-government in Syrian Kurdistan.

ENKS, which comprised of 12 small Kurdish parties, do not have any real authority on the ground in Syrian Kurdistan and refused to recognize the administration in Syrian Kurdistan.

Massoud Barzani, who has close-ties with Turkish government, said in March 2016 any support to the Kurdish PYD party means support for the  PKK. “They are exactly one and the same thing”,

The ENKS is also close to the Rojava Peshmerga force in Iraqi Kurdistan, which has been found by Massoud Barzani and backed by Turkey.

Syria’s Kurds have established a semi-autonomous region in northeastern Syria during the country’s eight-year war.

In 2013, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party PYD — the political branch of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) — has established three autonomous Cantons of Jazeera, Kobani and Afrin and a Kurdish government across Syrian Kurdistan in 2013. On March 17, 2016, Kurdish and Arab authorities announced the creation of a “federal region” made up of those semi-autonomous regions in Syrian Kurdistan.

(With files from rudaw, | Agencies)

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