Kurdistan Region at TowerXchange 2025: Telecom focus

Last Update: 2025-02-04 14:05:22 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ A delegation from the Kurdish Ministry of Transport and Communicationsparticipated in the TowerXchange Meetup MENA 2025 held in Dubai on Feb.3.

DirectorGeneral of Post and Communications, Jamal Ahmed, and Director General of LegalAffairs engaged with key stakeholders, including mobile network operators(MNOs), tower companies (Towercos), suppliers, and solution providers.

During a panel session, Ahmed highlighted the KurdistanRegion’s strategy for telecommunications development, emphasizing the role of moderntechnology in improving connectivity and service efficiency. He outlined the government's ongoing infrastructureprojects and commitment to creating a competitive telecom market.

Notably, theTowerXchange Meetup MENA is a premier industry event focused ontelecommunications tower infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa(MENA), facilitating collaboration and innovation among key players in the telecomecosystem.