Shafaq News/ Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani urged, on Tuesday,the Iraqi federal governmentto formally recognize the Peshmerga forces as part of the country’s defensesystem.
Speaking at the inaugurationceremony of the 3rd and 4th Peshmerga divisions at the Ministry of PeshmergaAffairs in Erbil, Barzani emphasized the importance of integrating the Kurdishforces into Iraq’s national defense framework.
He also called on the two main Kurdish parties, the Kurdistan DemocraticParty (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), to cooperate inunifying the Peshmerga forces and keeping them free from politicalinterference.
Barzani highlighted that these new divisions were formed following an orderissued in October last year, considering it a “crucial step” in the ongoingreform process aimed at consolidating Peshmerga forces under a unified command.
“With the commencement of their duties, we mark another milestone in along-standing effort. This achievement reflects both organizational progressand the unwavering commitment of Kurdistan’s people and the Peshmerga to defendtheir homeland,” Barzani said.
He described the Peshmerga as more than just “a recognized military force,”calling them “a symbol of sacrifice and heroism. Since their inception, theyhave played a vital role in defending the Kurdish people and the Region.”
Recalling their pivotal role in the battle against ISIS, Barzani noted, “ThePeshmerga were among the first forces to confront the terrorist group. Theyfought alongside the Global Coalition, proving their capability beyondKurdistan’s borders and reinforcing their status as defenders of peace andstability.”
“The Peshmerga, under the leadership of President Masoud Barzani, wereinstrumental in dismantling ISIS. Their bravery has earned them internationalrecognition as a force that not only protects Kurdistan but also safeguardshumanity.”
Barzani acknowledged that the formation of these new divisions was madepossible through the support of the Global Coalition, particularly in militarytraining and logistical assistance. He expressed gratitude to the Coalition,led by the United States, for their continued support during critical times.
“The long-term objective isto build a modern, well-organized, and unified national force capable ofprotecting Kurdistan from future threats,” he reaffirmed, stressing thatachieving this requires determination and joint efforts, free from internalpolitical disputes.
Concluding his speech, Barzani called on political parties in the KurdistanRegion to expedite the formation of a new government that meets the aspirationsof the Kurdish people and ensures Regional stability.