Shafaq News/ Kurdish Minister ofHigher Education Aram Mohammad Qadir, met on Tuesday in Erbil, with ActingBritish Consul General Andrew Beasley and his accompanying delegation.
In an official statement, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministry ofHigher Education and Scientific Research announced that several Britishuniversities have expressed their readiness to support the establishment of amedical college at the University of Halabja.
During the meeting, Beasley reaffirmed the UK’s commitment to strengtheningeducational ties with the Kurdistan Region. “The UK values its partnership withthe Kurdistan Region and is eager to support the development of highereducation,” he said, adding that British universities are prepared tocontribute their expertise in medical education, curriculum development, andthe creation of teaching hospital infrastructure in Halabja.
Minister Qadir praised the strong relationship between the Kurdistan Regionand the UK. He emphasized that the ministry is actively working to establish astate-of-the-art medical college at the University of Halabja. “This initiativewill not only enhance medical education in our region but also significantlyimprove healthcare services for the people of Halabja,” he stated, showinghighly appreciation to the willingness of British universities to support thisvision and look forward to further strengthening our collaboration.
UK’s commitment to supporting the establishment of the medical college inHalabja is part of its ongoing efforts to develop education in the KurdistanRegion. The British Council has worked closely with Iraq’s government toimprove learning outcomes for around 800,000 primary and secondary schoolstudents across Kurdistan, with a focus on enhancing technical and vocationaleducation. Additionally, the EU Schools Program, funded by the European Union,aims to improve the education system, especially for children in rural areas,girls, disabled children, and those affected by conflict. The UK has alsoestablished partnerships with universities in the Kurdistan Region, promotingacademic exchanges, curriculum development, and capacity-building programs,including support for the British International University (BIU).